The coasters I used were the lightweight kind that they use in restaraunts so be on the lookout for them next time you go. I used Close To My Heart hinges to put this together. I hinged them from the back first so I was able to cover up the brads with the paper on the front? Clear as mud? I might just have to do a tutorial on these frames!
On a personal note: I'm really bummed that we can't have scrapbook workshop tonight. My youngest daughter woke up in the night with a fever and the sick to her stomach. I'm actually typing up this post as she takes her nap because she's such a chatterbox that I wouldn't be able to think and you'd get some very weird sounding post. You'd not know it at this point that she was sick last night other than she's actually sleeping during her nap and she barely ate lunch. Other than that, she's all systems go. Isn't that the way it is? I'm dog tired from being up in the night and she's in there refueling her energy tank. Maybe I should go do the same!
You are Close to My Heart,
sorry to hear your daughter is feeling blue. hope she gets better soon. love the coaster frame. great work as always.
I'm such a newbie! I had no idea you could stamp on pictures. I just had to try it myself & make sure it worked, and sure enough, it did! Thanks so much for teaching me!!
The coaster frama looks awesome!
I hope your daughter is on the mend soon!
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