Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blog Candy...Candy

UPDATE: We do have a winner! Where did the time go? I did do last week and it came up with Ann Anderson as the winner! I've been busy on a HUGE project which I hope to post by tomorrow. Ann, I'll take you up on that coffee visit :0)

Have I mentioned that I love chocolate? I've been getting ready for workshop and I have to tell you it's a bad thing. Workshop involves chocolate in couple of ways so my office is well stocked...well at least for the time being. I keep snitching! This is a Cadbury milk chocolate candy bar. It's been pretty hard for me not to cut a piece of foam or cardboard to replace the chocolate in this example!

It's so easy to dress up chocolate bars. I simply took the wrapper off and used it to measure a piece of background and texture paper. This one is Floral Tapestry. I added another wrapping of vellum with a message from the "One and Only" set. A little ribbon and a little bling and it's done!

Now...who wants it? I'm looking for posts that tell me the most loving thing someone has done for you. I will choose one by using next week on Friday the 25th so that gives you lots of time to post! And just'll arrive on your doorstep in plenty of time for you to give it to a special someone OR to savor for yourself.

You are Close to My Heart,

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I Love Pink and Brown!

Stacy made the most adorable card for me for card workshop! She used the All My Love stamp set. She has some really fun punches to make the center piece and she embellished with a white gel pen (I think I need to get one of those...too fun!). Say a prayer for Stacy. She's sick right now.

My workshop was smaller than expected tonight so I have 5 layouts ready to go. If you're interested in attending a rescheduled workshop night, please let me know. If there's enough interest, I'll put one on the calendar.

Well, time to go clean up my mess and then put my feet up.

You are Close to My Heart, <-----Especially you, Stacy


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Revisited

For workshop this week I thought maybe the girls would like some help finishing up their Chrismtas scrapbooking. This layout uses two stamp sets...Gift of Love and Legendary Moments. It's really hard to tell in the picture, but the poisettias are raised on foam squares. I also outlined them with a gold glitter pen. I also did some stitching on it (my old cross stitch days paid off!). Anyway, I've been busy again! Tomorrow I'll have to show you the cutest card that Stacy made! For now, I need to go clean up the creative mess I made.
You are Close to My Heart,
p.s. Sorry the pictures aren't the greatest. I just couldn't get the right light this time.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Perpetual Calendar Workshop

Hello! It feels so good to be stamping again. I took a much needed creativity break over Christmas. I just didn't have it in me with all the other stuff I had going on. I sort of put the pressure on myself now because I need to get busy on a scrapbook workshop I have on the books for next week. Why do I do this to myself? I guess I work under pretty good under pressure.
After much work the event calendar workshop is almost ready. The creative part is complete and now I need to cut paper for about half of the months. If you are signed up for this workshop and are not able to attend, please let me know as soon as possible. This class filled up fast so if you're interested in a repeat class please e-mail me. I may repeat it depending on the interest.

I didn't take time to type out about each month so if you have questions about colors or stamp sets, I'd be happy to answer them. I realize that a couple of sets are discontinued, but they worked so well for what we're doing. Don't forget that you can click on individual pictures to see more detail. I'm off to cut paper and put the finishing touches on this workshop. Thanks for sticking with me through that dry spell!

You are Close to My Heart,

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm Still Here!

I haven't forgotten about you! I was just busy with Christmas (and potty training--ongoing project). Now I'm working like crazy to crank out some projects for upcoming workshops. Stay tuned and I promise to post a bunch of stuff soon! In the meantime, here's a picture of my work area. I have such a small area to work in that when I get going it kind of looks like an explosion went off. Well, it's time for me to get busy...first to clean it up and then to start the mess all over again!

E-mail me if you want the workshop dates. I haven't had a chance to update my CTMH website for a long time so you won't find them there. It is on the "to do" list though.

You are Close To My Heart,
